The Derision of Heaven: A Guide to Daniel (eBook)

The Derision of Heaven: A Guide to Daniel (eBook)


Guides to God’s Word: Volume #23

Author: Michael Whitworth | Foreword: F. LaGard Smith

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An urgent message for the exiled church.

Every day, it seems the world becomes increasingly hostile to Christianity. Values are being scuttled, faith is scorned, and God's people are being marginalized. These difficult times pose two questions to Christians: How can we be the "light of the world" in such abject darkness? And how can God still be in control of all things?

The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the LORD and against his Anointed … He who sits in the heavens laughs; the Lord holds them in derision. — Psalm 2:2–4

This book will help you answer these questions. More than a guide to Daniel, THE DERISION OF HEAVEN is an urgent message for the exiled church. As you journey through the story and visions of Daniel, you will be awe-struck by the sovereign rule of God, emboldened to live a life that glorifies him, and encouraged to serve in the eternal Kingdom of Heaven.

**Note: This download includes both the ePUB and PDF editions of the book.
