Esau’s Doom: A Guide to Obadiah (eBook)

Esau’s Doom: A Guide to Obadiah (eBook)


Guides to God’s Word: Volume #27

Author: Michael Whitworth

Discover the horror of God's international kegger-of-wrath tour.

The book of Obadiah may be among the most neglected in the Old Testament. It is a message of divine judgment against Israel’s cousins, the Edomites. Descended from Esau, Jacob’s brother, the Edomites taunted Israel and celebrated her destruction at the hands of the Babylonians in 586 BC.

In response to such arrogance and hatred, a little-known Judaean prophet named Obadiah predicted Esau’s doom and Israel’s restoration. Obadiah reminds us of God’s faithfulness to the humble and lowly, and of his oath to punish and humiliate the wicked.

Esau’s Doom is only available as an eBook.

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