The Hawk’s Nest: 90 Lessons for Faith & Family

The Hawk’s Nest: 90 Lessons for Faith & Family


Author: Jacob Hawk

The American family is busier than ever; yet, many fail to realize that this chronic busyness has disastrous implications for the child of God. When schedules become overcrowded, private devotion and worship are the first responsibilities to be neglected. Countless Christians are distracted from devotion by constant worldly influences.

God’s people need a place of solace and retreat from the strains and stresses of life—a nest high above the cares of this world to serve as a spiritual haven.

In THE HAWK’S NEST, Jacob Hawk provides 90 short devotionals that assist us in refocusing upon heavenly things. Using modern illustrations, Jacob has crafted each section to be short and easy to digest, capable of reading in a matter of minutes. These lessons, great for both individual and family devotion, help rescue God’s children from the grind of life and rest them in spiritual security.
