Rest in Green Pastures: Encouragement for Shepherds

Rest in Green Pastures: Encouragement for Shepherds


Editor: Chris McCurley

Contributing Authors: Gregg Woodall, Jim Faughn, Sellers Crain, Jay Lockhart, Ray Bowman, Steve Bailey, Howard Norton, Jerrie Barber, Janace Scott, & Ron McElyea

The role of elder is arguably the church’s most thankless job.

From putting out fires and dealing with disgruntled members to teaching new Christians and encouraging the weak, all while being a model disciple, an elder’s role can seem exhausting and unrelenting. To survive, elders need a place of spiritual solitude and relief where they can draw closer to the Chief Shepherd and have their soul restored.

In REST IN GREEN PASTURES, nine shepherds offer encouragement, help, and hope for common struggles faced by church leaders. Topics covered include the New Testament’s vision of a shepherd’s role and responsibilities, the training and appointment of new elders, and the role of an elders’ wife. Written by men with a combined seventy years of service as overseers, REST IN GREEN PASTURES offers a helping hand to those tasked with the most important job in the world.
