Daniel from Start2Finish

Daniel from Start2Finish

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Start2Finish Bible Studies #26

Daniel and the Lions’ Den go together like Noah and the Ark, David and Goliath, and peanut butter and jelly. Other stories from this book are just a famous: Nebuchadnezzar’s dreams, the Fiery Furnace, and the mysterious handwriting on the wall. But these popular tales in Daniel are somewhat overshadowed by the enigmatic visions in the second half of the book. What do they mean? How are they relevant?

DANIEL FROM START2FINISH is a 13-lesson adventure through this Old Testament book. This debut release of Start2Finish’s new line of Bible studies for classes and small groups will help students rediscover their favorite tales in Daniel, as well as learn to decipher the ultimate meaning of the strange dreams in chapters 7-12. In the process, important principles such as God’s sovereignty, providence, and power will be affirmed.

All Start2Finish Bible Studies are based on the English Standard Version and guaranteed to be trusted, engaging, and convicting.
