1 Kings from Start2Finish

1 Kings from Start2Finish

Sale Price:$6.99 Original Price:$9.99

Start2Finish Bible Studies #12

Throughout the political turmoil of 1–2 Kings, God’s prophets brought messages of hope, warning, and judgment.

For the most part, those messages went unheeded, and a once-glorious nation was ruined. But the mistakes of long-dead kings, not to mention the messages of heroic men of God, offer wisdom to spiritual Israel today.

1 KINGS FROM START2FINISH is a 12-lesson adventure through this Old Testament book and will help Bible classes or small groups heed the warning of Kings, that nothing is more important than submission to the King of kings. In the process, important principles such as proper worship, the emptiness of idolatry, and the necessity of obedience will be affirmed.

All Start2Finish Bible Studies are based on the English Standard Version and guaranteed to be trusted, engaging, and convicting.
