Ruth from Start2Finish

Ruth from Start2Finish

Sale Price:$4.99 Original Price:$6.99

Start2Finish Bible Studies #9

Out of the immense moral darkness of the Judges period comes a story of romance, redemption, and hope.

The tale of Ruth has inspired countless generations. But Ruth isn’t the star in this romantic drama; center stage belongs to God and his providence. Naomi and Ruth endured famine, grief, and loss, all the while unaware that the Lord had gone before them to redeem their heartache.

RUTH FROM START2FINISH is a 6-lesson journey through one of the Bible’s most endearing stories. It will help classes or small groups explore the various twists and turns of the book of Ruth. In the process, important principles such as faith in the midst of grief, loyalty in our relationships, and God’s merciful providence will be affirmed.
